
Jams with Virgins.

Justin and I whipped this poster design together in a whirlwind of waterlogged confusion and paper scraps sometime last week. Oh yes, oh yes.

See you all there.

// also // check out the Lovelee Buttons blog for a full photo gallery of the Intermedia Arts show from a few weeks ago.



The Throw Up Volume 5 is a 40 page art zine featuring work from: Jesse Draxler, Dain Germscheid, Kris Johnson, Anthony Kephart, Methadont (Malcolm Alchemy and Jesse Draxler,) Sarah Moeding, Justin James Sehorn, Katrin Snider and Mark Vomit.

Click here for the Facebook event page.


the vibes are good.

Stuff to be said.

+ The Intermedia Arts show the other weekend went amazingly. Good time had by all. Here is a link to a time lapse video of the set up (more video and loads of photos of the actual show to come):


+ One of the three pieces I submitted to the A5 arts magazine in Israel has been accepted. It will be in the upcoming issue focused around the word "Hero." I'll post again when the issue is actually pressed but in the meantime check out their back catalog (every page viewable online):


+ Guitar pedal factory, venue, and record label, Death By Audio (out of NY), gave Methadont a holler on a recent blog entry. Check it out:


+ Seattle based brother in arts, Tyson Roberts, has asked me to be part of a three person Seattle exhibition based around the idea of "Urban Dialogue." I have accepted and he is looking for the show to go down later this year. More on this as it unravels. The three artists will be myself and...:

Tyson Roberts: http://www.tysonanthonyroberts.com
Vivian Chen: http://www.vivianchenphotography.com

What else, what else?

+ Vigilante Justice II is still on for JULY 17th. Mark your calendars // you won't want to miss it.

+ Open Door 5 at the Rosalux Gallery this last Saturday evening went well. I had a great time mingling, networking, and all that other junk you are supposed to do at art openings. Most excellent to see many friendly faces as well.

There's more, but as usual, for another time.


i want the candy.

I got into Open Door 5 at the Rosalux Gallery! Information on the opening is in the image above and more can be learned HERE. My buddy Garrett Perry got in as well, which solidifies the fact that the evening of Saturday, June 13th is going to be a wicked good time.

The night before that (June 12th) is the opening reception for the CVA Alumni exhibition at the CVA Gallery on the corner of Selby and Western in STP. I turned my piece in for that last night and the opening runs from 6-9pm I believe. Uhhh...yea.

Before both of those events is Lovelee Buttons presents...at Intermedia Arts. The date is THIS SATURDAY, June 6th, and we aparently now have a trailer for the gig. Check it:

Buy advance tickets at http://loveleebuttons.com/blog

On top of all that we have officially begun planning for Vigilante Justice II at the aLoft Hotel (July 17th, save the date!) I posted a call to artists for the event on mnartists.org and have been receiving some good submissions, but if by chance you do not read mnartists but you happen to read this blog and want to submit some work, send some images to jesse@jessedraxler.com.

Stay tuned...