
I updated jessedraxler.com. "It's all fired up."

I was in Chicago last week. It was rainy. And windy. And dirty. And smelly........still had a good time though thanks to some fantastic friends and some pretty excellent watering holes.

I managed to make my way to the MCA. It was disapointing overall, but I did experience an artist I have never seen nor heard of before. Sarah Sze. She's an installation artist who uses everyday found objects to create her mindfucking visuals. This shit is intense yet evokes a child-like mysticism. I was enthralled. Check it out: www.sarahsze.com.

While on the subject of "artists Jesse recently discovered," I may as well mention that the cover of the new Juxtapoz caught my eye the other day. (Juxtapoz catching my eye these days is a rare occurance, for obvious reasons.) The cover artist's name is Conor Harrington. At first the style looked like collage / mixed media, but when I approached the magazine and picked it up I realized..."damn, this shit is all paint." Oil and Aresol to be exact. Very talented gentleman this Mr. Harrington is. Bummer of the story is that in the interview he keeps talking about "street art" and "graphiti" etc. Screw that ish. So don't read the article. Just look at the pretty pictures: www.conorharrington.com

Speaking of Juxtapoz...Pop Vomit has a funny sticker in one of the sticker sets that reads "juztaposuer." I stuck it on my sketchbook cuz I get a kick out of it and I'm a poser like that. (time for a plug...) You too could own this hysterical sticker by visiting www.popvomit.com and purchasing it!

In the most important news of all...I updated my website. New images, sketchbook pages finally present...and more! Wait, there's not more than that. Just the images and sketch. CHECK IT OUT YO! www.jessedraxler.com

Lastly...MUTUAL DESIGN PLAYGROUND. This thing could really breathe if a bunch of people would join on in. Tell your friends, nag your fellow artist folk, lets help get this thing off the ground. I know I'm a hypocrite for saying this since I did not submit last week due to my being in Chicago, but I will be uploading my (now) bi-weekly piece later today. Hell maybe even two of them. Just do it. www.mutualplayground.com

Come on and shout me out!

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